Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A new place...

Hello. It's me Tregani. 
As I have found myself in a new place in life, I decided to create 
a new place for myself here in the digital world.

I feel slightly awkward, like on a first date when you are supposed to introduce yourself. 
So, I'm Tregani. 
I am named after a village in Wales. 
I am a kindergarten teacher. 
I love the tiny humans.
I am 24 years old...almost.
I love to read and take photos.
Hiking and outdoor adventures are my favorite.
I once was married, now I'm not.
My pet peeves include flaky people and my little brother's whistle.
I hope to be a mama some day.
I want to travel the world. 
I think humans are beautiful.
I believe I am a child of God.

I used to think I had my life all figured out. 
Now I am learning to go with the flow and see where I end up.

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